I’m building some form page, and I would like to display the form errors below the inputs.
The inputs are displayed as ion-items in an ion-list.
Now I’m struggling with the layout of these items. Depending on the presence of a label, the layout seems to be totally different.
I want a layout like in a multiline item :
<h4>h4, should be replaced by a label (stacked)</h4>
<p class="formerror">
Error message
<button ion-button
dark clear
<ion-icon name="help-circle"></ion-icon>
The header is displayed on the left, the error message is displayed below, and at the right side, I have a button to display some help.
The header should of course be replace by a label, but if I do so, the layout is totally changed.
<ion-label stacked>Label</ion-label>
<p class="formerror">
Error message
<button ion-button
dark clear
<ion-icon name="help-circle"></ion-icon>
The p element is not shown at all. The button is correctly displayed.
Ok, I probably need to add the item-content attribute to the p element :
<ion-label stacked>Label</ion-label>
<p class="formerror"
Error message
<button ion-button
dark clear
<ion-icon name="help-circle"></ion-icon>
This time, the p element is shown, however it is centered, and I want it aligned to the left.
I can make the text left-aligned by modifying the align-items attribute to flex-start.
But I can’t see how I am supposed to change it through directives.
I don’t seem to understand well how an item is layed out depending on its elements.
Am I missing something ?