in ionic item i have three items
1- avatar
2- Name
3- an image
the problem is that i want avatar and name should be left align but the image should be right align.
i have tried all the stuff like ion-content-space-between property between name and image and also tried the image with float:right property but nothing is working yet.
my ion-item code is:-
<ion-item color="lightPink" class="item4">
<ion-img slot="start" class="person-logo" src="../../assets/no upcoming ride/Group 21193.png">
<p class="name">Joselyn joseph</p>
<ion-img class="car" src="../../assets/no upcoming ride/icon car 3.png"></ion-img>
<p>HOT RIDE</p>
<img class="car" src="../../assets/no upcoming ride/icon car 3.png">
<figcaption>HOT RIDE</figcaption>
one more help i need is that how to move in the next line for further addition of a
currently it start adding on the right side of the image