Facing css alignment problem


      <ion-row justify-content-between>
        <ion-col col-auto>
          <img src="assets/img/icon2.png" item-left class="icon-img-service" />
          <ion-row text-wrap>
            <h2>Service Request</h2>
          <ion-row text-wrap>
            <ion-col col-6 class="col-align-service">
             <p  style="font-weight: bold;">Electricity</p>
             <p>Lighting Problem</p>
             <p  style="font-weight: bold;">Request No:25000</p>
             <p ></p>
            <ion-col col-6 class="col-left">
             <p style="font-weight: bold;">Status</p>
              <p ><ion-badge item-end>On hold</ion-badge></p>
         <ion-badge item-end class="more-btn">More..




	border-left: 1px solid black;
	height: 57px;
	padding: 0px 0px 0px 8px;


	padding: 2px;

.more-btn {
	border-radius: 4px;
	color: #fff;
	background-color: #222;
	float: right;
	padding: 2px;

	max-width: 70%;
	border: 0;

I want to remove space between icon and text

how can i do that.
please anyone help me out

In the second column, try use col-8

<ion-col col-8>

Please, look this page, attention to how to use the structure:

can you give me a example of code

First of all, the structure needs to look like this:

      1 of 3
      2 of 3
      3 of 3

Ok?? grid -> row -> col

In your layout you have two columns, one to image, and second to text. In second try use col-8

      **IMAGE - LOGO**
    <ion-col col-8>