Ion Input Outline - Increase Label Size

Hi All,
Using Ionic Angular 8 but this would apply to the older versions too. In short I love the MD ion-input with outline and stacked label. However the stacked label is way too small for my users to read and are trying to increase the font size.

I have successfully increased the label size by changing the following property: {
  transform: translateY(-55%) scale(1.05);

However the border outline is getting overlapped as the picture below.

I’m struggling to find the property to fix this. In the ionic libibrary there is a function called notched controller notch-controller.js. It talks about $form-control-label-stacked-scale being set to 0.75 and looks like this is hard-coded in the function. Is there a work around for this? (Without the needing to manually change this code?). I have provide an example stacklblitz as well. Many thanks in advance.

         * If the element is visible then we can set the notch width.
         * The notch is only visible when the label is scaled,
         * which is why we multiply the width by 0.75 as this is
         * the same amount the label element is scaled by in the host CSS.
         * (See $form-control-label-stacked-scale in ionic.globals.scss).
         */'width', `${width * 0.75}px`);