I have a stacked ion-input like this:
<ion-input label="Tu usuario o email" labelPlacement="stacked">
I want to increase the font-size of the label but can’t find a way to target it with CSS. I tried with .label-text class but it didn’t work.
I am also facing this issue. is there any update on this?
I tried with .label-text
and it does work in Vue if it is applied in your global CSS. It won’t work in scoped CSS since the label is in the Shadow DOM.
A better option though might be using the Label Slot. It is experimental but I tried the following and it worked.
<ion-input label-placement="stacked" value="hi@ionic.io">
<div slot="label" style="font-size: 20px">Email <ion-text color="danger">(Required)</ion-text></div>
Last resort is using JS to get access to the Shadow DOM. An example is here and here.
It’s basically accessing it via shadowRoot
on the Ionic component.
.find(element => element.classList.contains('ion-page'))
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