I think I am misunderstanding something here, basically I would like to have an ion-content scroll=“myVar” with myVar being a boolean I can change in my controller. But I can’t get it working. Is there a way to do this ?
Thank you for your help
here is a codepen for better understanding: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/kJbax
Ha ok, found some answers here and here
Hi, I want to include a static height / width google map element inside my tab area but I don't want to enable a rubber-band effect or show scroll bars. How do I go about this? I tried overriding .scroll css rule with width: 100% and...
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Hello everybody, I have an ionic-content element with scrolling enabled, with my own customized list of items. I want to enable users to drag each item to the left or to the right. The problem is that while dragging an item, the view also scroll...
would be nice to have this feature though,
any idea on how to hack this with the current ionic release ?