Ion-button inside ion-content causes memory leaks problem

I have a problem with Ionic 6 and ion-button. I use tabs and when I go to nested page and then click on back button page doesn’t clear memory and I have memory leaks. I happens if I pass ion-button into ng-content. Such error happens even I just put native html button

I have the very simple test-component

  selector: 'app-test-cmp',
  templateUrl: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
export class TestCmp {}

Here is my nested page

  selector: 'app-test-page',
  templateUrl: `
        <ion-buttons slot="start">

      <app-test-cmp><ion-card>anything here</ion-card></app-test-cmp>
export class TestPage {}

This code works well. Here is my memory snapshot.

But if I put ion-button into app-test-cmp memory doesn’t clear.

  selector: 'app-test-page',
  templateUrl: `
        <ion-buttons slot="start">

      <app-test-cmp><ion-button>Ionic button</ion-button></app-test-cmp>
export class TestPage {}

Here is memory snapshot

It’s somehow connected to ion-content

This code works correctly but crash animation, etc.

  selector: 'app-test-page',
  templateUrl: `
        <ion-buttons slot="start">

    <app-test-cmp><ion-button>Ionic button</ion-button></app-test-cmp>

export class TestPage {}

Also it happens only if Chrome device emulator is enabled. If I’m testing as desktop browser it works well.
Here you can try it by yourself (just go between details page and back several times and compare memory allocation when emulation enabled and disabled)
Code Memory leaks problem - StackBlitz