I need to check if the gps or location is valid. I need to know if a fake gps is being used.
My app is on Ionic 3 and I need to cover android and ios.
does anyone know a plugin or way to implement this verification?
On android you can check if the user has fake location setting turned on, but afaik you can’t do that on an iOS device.
Is it even possible to fake GPS Location on iOS?
Supported Platforms
- Android < 6.0 ( doesn’t support Marshmallow yet )
This App just fakes a Photo where it looks like you are somewhere else. So if there is no existing Plugin for Android you have to write it your own
On iOS you only have some Developer Options https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21908356/how-to-set-fake-gps-location-on-ios-real-device, i don’t think every user can fake their GPS for all Apps like in Android
In my case I would like to identify false locations.
Any idea?
Which Plugin so you use for getting Location?
Mhh okay, so this Plugin doesn’t have the Feature. I use a Plugin (but it isn’t free) which says me if the Location is Fake or not. So you have to research how this is done in native Android and develop your own Plugin
which plugin do you use? maybe I can buy it too.
Thanks. It is a considerable cost. Hehe
I’ll see if I find something in the community, otherwise develop …
A good application. I am using and love this app
@EinfachHans What if I have an app that I use for gps spoofing on Xcode.Now since I am the developer, I would have all the necessary developer permissions to use gpx files or simulate locations.This gps spoofing will be rendered device wide and could be used to provide misleading information to other app that could be critical for geo-based apps.That way , a normal user can easily fake locations for other apps.Isnt it?