Internal navigation rejected for url='about:blank'

Hey Ionites!

I’m enjoying developing Ionic 2 app and everything is working. I’m getting following error

ERROR Internal navigation rejected - <allow-navigation> not set for url='about:blank'

My config.xml has following lines

 <allow-navigation href="http://*/*"/>
 <allow-navigation href="https://*/*"/>

Can someone help me how to debug this error? It’s not causing any issues with app functionality but if there is solution for this error, that would be awesome :smiley:


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<allow-navigation href="*" />

What’s the usage navigating to about:blank though?


Thanks, it worked. Wasted too much time to search for solution. Finally, asked here and got solution in minutes.
Ionic community is awesome.

I don’t know why I am getting this error. I am using iframe and setting [src] url value in ionViewWillEnter. Maybe before ionViewWillEnter, empty url is passed to iframe.

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about: is a pseudo protocol which neither https:// http:// covers. Plz use the solve button to mark this topic solved.

Hi, I also have the issue that after resuming the app (lets say after 5-6 hours), I get redirected to about:blank (which I can observe through the Safari debugger), but the app is stuck at the splash screen.

The only thing that helps is closing the app (swiping to the top) and do a full-restart of the app.

Does someone have had this problem before and could help? Its highly appreciated!!


I am running into the same error. Is this the only solution? I do not want to use a wildcard.