Instabug install and init

I am building an ionic 2 app and I am trying to add the instabug plugin but it seems like
typescript doesn’t know the connection among cordova and instabug .

I am getting : Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘instabug’ of undefined

even thought I use : declare var instabug:any;

At this point I don’t know if i init Cordova correctly :confused:

import {Cordova} from ‘ionic-native’;

if there are any suggestions please let me know :slight_smile:

Hey, which plugin are you using for Instabug. Here’s the one that we provide:

If you’re having any issues with it please email us at

ok my bad it wasn’t that hard after all :confused:

but if someone ever has the same problem this are the steps(ionic 2 RC0):

  1. ionic plugin add

and then in the app.component.ts

//in the import area
2) declare var cordova:any;

//in the constructor in the platform ready
3) platform.ready().then(
() => {
console.log(“MyApp::constructor platform.ready”);

Also a suggestion I could make is to run in a real device because the emulator sometimes throws cordova is undefined error.