Hi All,
Please let me know how I can increase ion-icon thickness. I’m able to change the size by using font-size. Tried font-weight but did not work
I’m using arrow-forward and arrow-back.
Hi All,
Please let me know how I can increase ion-icon thickness. I’m able to change the size by using font-size. Tried font-weight but did not work
I’m using arrow-forward and arrow-back.
@mhartington Does ionic has any function to increase the thickness of all available icon?. I had googled for almost 3-4 days but never found any options.
try in your css file ion-icon{ font-size: 34px}
You can use like @Ludolefrenchy say
using in scss
ion-icon {
or directly in html (not recommended)
<ion-icon style="font-size: 34px;" name="remove-circle" color="danger"></ion-icon>
I prefer to put everything in the css file in order not to overload the html file.
As you say @pettrin it’s not recommended in the html
Yes, you’re right !
Thanks for your response.
font-size does not change the thickness of the icon. font-size enlarge the size of icon
I wanted this to look thicker. Here the icon I have used is checkmark.
can give you the code you use.
thank you
Please find the code below
<ion-icon name="checkmark" [style.font-size]="'25px'" [style.color]="'#00a300'" ></ion-icon>
I wanted to increase the thickness of the checkmark so that coloring is visible.
Please let me know if this is possible
if the icon is outline, with --ionicon-stroke-width is possible to change it.
@bbrenes Thank you very much for this. It works!