Images not showing after background mode

Hello everyone.

I just update to ionic 3 and I achieved to make the app work quite fast, updating to pro too and test the app in the new ionic-view.

This app serve to make the checkouts and payments in a physical store. Therefore we look for products in a search bar, we add the selected products to a Bag, we Checkout and let the customer pay.

Now when I try to test it with Ionic View in an IPAD, the first time loads works perfectly, but once the app has been in background mode, and I try to test it again, the images are not showing, the app is perfectly working, but the images are not loaded (as i said before, before going to background mode works perfectly).

Does anyone have had this problem too?

Or does anyone have a hint to follow?

Thanks to this awesome community.

Just don’t bother with Ionic View. It’s not how your actual app will be behaving in the real world.