Im getting dat from the server not able to display on ui?

Data getting from server i need to display the val value in html im binding the data
{{ data.Message.val }}
in data where object is storing

  • {abc-egr-7001: Array(0)}
    • abc-egr-7001: Array(0)
      • Message: {val: “0%”, priorityArray: {…}} length: 0 proto: Array(0)
    • proto: Object

ERROR i am getting:
ZonedetailsPage.html:120 ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property ‘val’ of undefined
at Object.eval [as updateRenderer] (VM403 ZonedetailsPage.ngfactory.js:471)
at Object.debugUpdateRenderer [as updateRenderer] (VM26 vendor.js:59642)
at checkAndUpdateView (VM26 vendor.js:59017)
at callViewAction (VM26 vendor.js:59253)
at execEmbeddedViewsAction (VM26 vendor.js:59216)
at checkAndUpdateView (VM26 vendor.js:59013)
at callViewAction (VM26 vendor.js:59253)
at execEmbeddedViewsAction (VM26 vendor.js:59216)
at checkAndUpdateView (VM26 vendor.js:59013)
at callViewAction (VM26 vendor.js:59253)

You have several options. My preferred one is to initialize all properties that are referenced by template expressions at the point of declaration:

data = { Message: {} };  // at a minimum