I have an API where i get data and load unto my ionic app. I have gotten the data in json format and am having troubles displaying, I have tried the *ngFor and yet can’t get it right.
The data is in the format
Am not sending that from the server, The only thing i return is The array and the message to make sure it returns data. the 0 : { }, is completely strange.
There is another request I make to the server and it returns an object alongside that. It’s really getting me frustrated
When I stringify the results, I can pass it to my console but it’s in the same format. I want to get a particular object like rides and display that data in my front end.
yes, I was just using stringify to teach you how the structure looks.
you need to convert it to an object… the ngModel and ngIf stuff works on objects, not strings.
but you have to get it into a valid json format to use the json library, or you have to write code to parse it yourself (don’t do that!)