If I use $state.go with destination state set to the same state as the one I'm already on, and I use reload:true, beforeleave is never fired

If I use $state.go with destination state set to the same state as the one I’m already on, and I use reload:true, beforeleave is never fired.

Is that intended behavior?

because the reload flag only executes the controller again and there is not really a state-change, transition or a view-change.

so in order to trigger all events that are related to statechange/transition, etc. I’d just manually trigger these events with $scope.$emit?

i would put the logic of those events in an own function.

–> $state.go returns a promise if it has finished --> so you can do something like this.


Triggering all events is a little bit too much i think.

alright, thanks! I’ll check out what works out best for me.