HI. I’m trying to get some icons to display in a footer. Looking at the docs here I should just have to insert <icon heart></icon>
to display a heart icon. This isn’t working. I’m getting nothing. I have downloaded and added; using bower the ionicons from ionicons.com. These are working but there are some other icons on the ionic.io website that I’d like to use. I can’t get these to load and the docs say to use the icon tag like above. http://ionicframework.com/docs/v2/resources/ionicons/
Any ideas how to get these working in my app please??
Can someone provide guidance on how to implement cross-platform icons using the v1.0 syntax? For example, how would you show the Android download icon on Android (md-download) and ios download icon on iOS? (ios-download). My current solution is to use the ionic.Platform service and do ng-show/ng-hide logic. Many thanks in advance.
Trying to create a login page with icons and input boxes along side a login button , this was what I used, very simple only after you have figured it out.