Hi guys,
I did what is said to do on this link http://ionicframework.com/docs/cli/icon-splashscreen.html but the icon and splash screen not appears, only on iPhone.
What’s happen?
Thank you so much.
Hi guys,
I did what is said to do on this link http://ionicframework.com/docs/cli/icon-splashscreen.html but the icon and splash screen not appears, only on iPhone.
What’s happen?
Thank you so much.
+1, I also encountered the same problem。
( android device Icon and Splash screen doesn’t appears )
I just had the same problem in android platform, solved for me doing this and building again.
ionic rm platform android
ionic platform add android@latest
Hi, i faced the same problem, looks like there’s a lot of ppl who can’t generate the icon/splash for Android.
It generates the icon/splash on project > resources > Android > icon/splash.
but doesn’t generate on project > platforms > android > res.
What i’ve done (a boring work) is copy/paste every single icon-splash inside resources to Android > res.
Hope it helps
Have you read https://github.com/driftyco/ionic-cli/issues/1191 ?
Yes @GabrielBarreto briel, I have noted that in the path “project > platforms > android > res.” it doesn’t generate. I’ll try this boring work.
Since now, thank you.
Yes @GabrielBarreto, the icon now appears, but the splash still not kkkkkk
After copy/paste the splash and icon, I run “ionic resources --splash” and then “ionic build android”, but nothing change for splash screen kkkk
But thank you.