I want to know is this my issue or ionic bug?

when form elements in the center of the screen. The whole view will be quake(I don’t know how to describe this phenomenon -_-|||).

###1. use “$ ionic start myApp blank” create project.

###2. just change index.html content:

Username Password Username Password Username Password
... ` ###3. use "ionic build iOS" build this project. ###4. run it on iPhone or iOS simulator.

when you click top row input. It is normal.
then click second row input,It is looks like normal.
but when you click the third row input or other row input, the whole view will be pull down and push back quickly.
this will be influence normal use.

##Anybody knows What is the problem or how to fix it? please tell me ,thanks very much!

###Process screeshots(Note the position of the cursor):

have you tried this?



iOS Notes

If the content of your app (including the header) is being pushed up and out of view on input focus, try setting cordova.plugins.Keyboard.disableScroll(true). This does not disable scrolling in the Ionic scroll view, rather it disables the native overflow scrolling that happens automatically as a result of focusing on inputs below the keyboard.

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:smile: Now no problem. Thank you!