I have a error

I execute this:

ionic start SideMenu sidemenu

And i have this Error:

Creating Ionic app in folder /home/User/Documents/ioni-projects/SideMenu based on sidemenu project

Downloading: https://github.com/driftyco/ionic-app-base/archive/master.zip
Error: Unable to initalize app:  undefined

Thanks for answers.

Hmm, not sure what could be going on here.
What version of the cli and cordova do you have?

$ ionic -v
$ cordova -v

ionic -v


cordova -v


Thanks for your answer.

Update the Ionic CLI

sudo npm install -g ionic

There were some issues with projects not getting started that didn’t have git enabled. This was fixed in later versions.

I execute this:

ionic -v

And this:

ionic start SideMenuApp sidemenu
Creating Ionic app in folder /home/pasa-corp/Documentos/ioni-projects/SideMenuApp based on sidemenu project

Downloading: https://github.com/driftyco/ionic-app-base/archive/master.zip
Error: Unable to initalize app:  undefined

Thanks for your answer.

Are you on windows?

Have you check out this video to make sure everything is set up correctly?

No, I am on ubuntu 14.04.

Thanks for your answer.

Hm, can you create a project just with the cordova utilities?

$ cordova create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld

Yes, Ican:

$ cordova create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld

Creating a new cordova project with name “HelloWorld” and id “com.example.hello” at location “/home/pasa-corp/Documentos/ioni-projects/hello”
Downloading cordova library for www…

Download complete

Thanks for your answer.

Okay, it looks like an issue with a file not unzipping on ubuntu.

Want to open an issue for this on our cli repo?

I am on windows and facing same issue.
I am behind corporate proxy and as well set the npm proxy.
Ionic ver - 1.2.3
Cordova ver - 3.5.0-0.2.7
I am able to download/create project using cordova utilities “$ cordova create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld”