Https:// messed up into http://https:// on Android

Although our app works fine on iOS, the Android version doesn’t get past the splashscreen.
It seems that URL’s get messed up on the Android version:

Android log:
D/Capacitor: Loading app at http://https:// ourdomain/

Does anyone have an idea what could be the cause of this problem? :slight_smile:

The capacitor.config.json file looks als follows.
“server”: {
“hostname”: “https://ourdomain/

The problem is you have hostname set to "https://ourdomain

https is not part of the “hostname” value, that would be the protocol.

remove the https and keep it as "ourdomain"

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Thank you @mhartington!
Getting the next error now, so I think this one is fixed :slight_smile:

Also worth noting, you should not use https:// for the protocol in the app. Since there is no tsl setting on the local webserver