How well does Ionic work through "Add to Home Screen"?

I haven’t seen any mention of iOS Safari’s “Add to Home Screen” feature relating to Ionic. Since some of the problems of iOS Safari that are mentioned (such as the title bar and drag-to-go-back) don’t apply to web apps added to the home screen, do they work reasonably well?

The reason I ask here is because I really don’t want to have to download and set up Ionic just to find out it doesn’t work in this way, so I was wondering if any of you know. Thanks.

This is strange. I’ve seen another thread on this forum that also mentioned “Add to Home Screen”, and that fact was on that thread, too, conveniently disregarded. Is there a reason for this?

I just want to find information about how well Ionic works with this feature.

AFAIK, the main purpose of Ionic Framework is to create hybrid mobile applications in native wrappers using Cordova, not to produce web apps.

I think this might be why you have not gotten a response - it’s not really the intended usage of Ionic. Just a thought…

It works well for my purposes. Drag gestures do work for showing/hiding a menu. On Android, you might find that the browser chrome sometimes annoyingly covers the title bar of the app.