Is there a way to use the latest version of the Ionic Framework? The one directly from the v2 branch on Github?
If I update package.json and do npm install I can get up to Beta 3, but there’s some changes that I need that I can’t wait until they’re bundled on Beta 4 and packaged.
My question is more like if there’s something I can change in package.json to point to the v2 branch on Github, or if I should just download the code and paste it into node_modules/ionic-angular
The instructions in this post might help you (they are for the alpha, but it should be the same for the beta too):
EDIT: Something I forgot to mention - a word of caution when using symlinks (for TS-projects, but I guess that it might be valid for JS-projects too), at least until Ionic moves away from Webpack:
Thanks @iignatov you pointed me in the right direction, although I’m not 100% there yet.
I ended up changing one line in config.xml from:
"ionic-angular": "2.0.0-beta.3",
"ionic-angular": "driftyco/ionic#2.0",
This downloads the latest version, but it does so under node_modules/ionic2 instead of node_modules/ionic-angular.
I changed the directory name manually but then I started getting errors on ionic serve. Seems it downloads a different structure tree. I may just have to can this idea. (I’m not too well versed with npm packages)
Well, I never tried this myself, so I can only guess: the problem might be that Ionic releases come already pre-compiled to JS, while when downloading directly the latest (source) code, you’ll need an additional build step.