How to use Card Router Animation Please help!

Screenshot from 2020-12-16 19-23-41

Any one can give me a sample of this card properties on how can i implement this on my project. I want to have a card animation when open a page and the page has a card and it will animate. Thanks for help guys. I’m just a beginner here.

We have an example here: Animations: Web Animations API to Build and Run on Ionic Apps. In your ion-card example, you would pass the animation object to routerAnimation instead of modalElement.enterAnimation.

I want to have a card animation when open a page and the page has a card and it will animate.

I’m not sure routerAnimation will do what you are expecting it to do. The routerAnimation prop describes how a new page will transition in when clicking the ion-card. If you want the card itself to transition in, it probably makes sense to apply a CSS Animation to the element.

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Ohh i get it. Thanks for the reply.

Hi, I don’t get it. I saw in the example what I see just is using animation in page with the modal example that not when router to another page.

May I ask for more example routerAnimation when using the router? Because I was confused don’t know how to use the routerAnimation working on the page not the router to another page. @@

I am expect something like <transition></transition> of vue