Guys ,
How to validate the user finger print
Guys ,
How to validate the user finger print
You will need to use a Cordova plug in to access that functionality. I have not check to see if one is listed in the Ionic Native collection. There are more plug ins in the Cordova registry, but without the Angular wrappers. Good luck
Thanks Bro …
I am Installed it . In Console says ’ cordova not installed ’ … when iam include the cordova.js file
.On Ionic Serve initLoad appear the alert box like that
One More Error : I am Install the Fingerprint auth plugin but cordova says
" Ionic Native: deviceready event fired after 8616 ms" main.js:114637
“processMessage failed: invalid message: “”” cordova.js:1121
“Native: tried calling AndroidFingerprintAuth.isAvailable, but the AndroidFingerprintAuth plugin is not installed.” main.js:56716
“Install the AndroidFingerprintAuth plugin: ‘ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-android-fingerprint-auth’” main.js:56722
“ionViewDidLoad SignupPage” main.js:82349
“plugin_not_installed” main.js:82380
"processMessage failed: invalid message
I would imagine that the fingerprint plugin won’t work while testing it in the browser. You’ll have to test it on a physical device.
Correct. When using Cordova plugins you typically have to then test on-device or via the simulator. Note, not all plugins will work in the simulator.
Thanks Chris …I Try that …