I change the state in the button click event, like this$scope.FindScenics = function () { $state.go("scenicList"); };
I use this style to change the state from home-state to scenicList-state, and back to home-state, and I change to scenicList-state again, but the scenicList-state is not been saved, it reloads.
The app.js is following:
`$stateProvider.state(“home”, {
url: ‘/home’,
views: {
“homeView”: {
templateUrl: ‘templates/home.html’,
controller: “homeController”
$stateProvider.state(“scenicList”, {
url: ‘/scenicList’,
views: {
“homeView”: {
templateUrl: ‘templates/scenicFiles/scenicList.html’,
controller: ‘scenicCtrl’