How to send form data including image to server? Following code not working. Please help me

.controller(‘MissingCtrl’, function($scope, $http, $cordovaCamera, $cordovaFile, $cordovaFileTransfer) {
var image_to_upload;

    $scope.take_picture = function() {

        var options = {
            destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.DATA_URL,
            sourceType: Camera.PictureSourceType.CAMERA,
            targetWidth: 200,
            targetHeight: 200,
            correctOrientation: true

            .then(function(imageData) {

                image_to_upload = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + imageData;
            }, function(err) {
                // error


    $scope.add = function(data) {

        var option = {
            fileKey: 'image_name',
            params: { 'name':, 'age': data.age, 'contact_number': data.contact_number, 'address': data.address, 'insert': '' }

        $cordovaFileTransfer.upload(host + "api.php", image_to_upload, option)
                function(success) {
                    //window.location.href = "#/menu/success_page";
                function(error) {
                    alert("Error" + JSON.stringify(error));
                function(progress) {


@Sherbadshah After days of trying to figure this out myself, I ended up sending my form data separate from my image. I created two services. The first SubmitForms service actually calls the PhotoUpload service and receives a response back of success or fail, and then sends the form data only if the photo successfully uploaded or if there is no photo attached. The SubmitForms service returns a promise back to the controller with success or fail.

.factory('SubmitForms', ['$http', '$q', 'PhotoUpload', 'URLS', function ($http, $q, PhotoUpload, URLS) {
	return {
		submit: function (formData) {
			var q = $q.defer();

			alert("FormData: " + JSON.stringify(formData));

			if (formData.imageURI) {
				PhotoUpload.upload(formData.imageURI, formData.imageName).then(function (response) {
					console.log('PhotoUpload response: ' + response);

					if (response == "Success") {

					} else {

				}, function (err) {
					console.log('PhotoUpload error: ' + err);
				} else {

			function submitFormData() {
						url: URLS.baseURL + URLS.submitForms, //enter your url for submitting form data
						method: 'POST',
						data: formData,
						headers: {
							'Content-Type': 'application/json'
						config: {
							timeout: 10000
					.then(function (response) {
					if ( == '000') {
						} else {
					}, function (error) {
						console.log("Server Error: " + JSON.stringify(error));

			return q.promise;

		getFileType: function (imgURI) {
			var fileType = imgURI.substr(imgURI.lastIndexOf('.'), 4);
			if (fileType == '.jpe') {
				fileType = '.jpeg';

			return fileType;
  }]) // ********** end Submit Forms factory **********

.factory('PhotoUpload', ['$q', 'URLS', function ($q, URLS) {
		return {

			upload: function (imgURI, fileName) {
				var q = $q.defer();

				function win(r) {

				function fail(e) {

				var uri = encodeURI(URLS.baseURL + URLS.photoUpload); //enter your url for uploading photo

				var options = new FileUploadOptions();
				options.fileKey = "file";
				options.fileName = fileName;
				options.mimeType = "image/jpeg";

				var ft = new FileTransfer();

				ft.upload(imgURI, uri, win, fail, options);

				return q.promise;
    }]) // ********** end PhotoUpload factory **********

Simple php image upload


$tmp_name = $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"];
$name = basename($_FILES["file"]["name"]);

$dest_img = "../img-uploads/images/".$name;

$f_path_info = pathinfo($name);
$file_ext = strtolower($f_path_info['extension']);

/* if its not an image return false */
if (in_array($file_ext,array('gif','jpg','png','jpeg'))) {
	if (move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $dest_img)) {
		// success	
		echo "Success";	
	} else {	
		echo "Error: Failure uploading image!";
		//return error	
} else {
	echo "Error: Not an image file!";	

Hope that helps. Good Luck,


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