I need to open default map app of device (ios, windows phone, android) with 1 link.
When user click in a marker there is the message “click here for open your default navigator”… And it should open the navigator with directions and it should start!
Sorry if I up this but i still need this!
Hello. Here is my code in coffeescript, but you can probably work it out:
$scope.openMap = ->
address = $scope.vm.article.addresses[0]
lat = parseFloat(address.loc.lat)
long = parseFloat(address.loc.lng)
text = encodeURIComponent(address.text)
if ionic.Platform.isIOS()
window.open("http://maps.apple.com/?q=#{text}&ll=#{lat},#{long}&near=#{lat},#{long}", '_system', 'location=yes')
window.open("geo:#{lat},#{long}?q=#{text}", '_system', 'location=yes')
you will also need to install org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser plugin for this to work
Thank you very much!
ciao uncusino, have you solved?
yes, I have!
please can you tell me how?
window.location.href = "maps://maps.apple.com/?q="+lat+","+lon;
lat = latitude
lon = longitude
(the same with google maps but you put gmaps link)
Thank you so much. I’ll try it as soon as I can.
Have I to add your string in the link?:
< // a window.location.href = “maps://maps.apple.com/?q=”+lat+","+lon; > OPEN IN MAP APP <///a>
This is how I made it work (using cordova “device” but you can use ionic.Platform
var address=data.street+", "+data.city+", "+data.state;
var url='';
}else if(navigator.userAgent.match(/(Android|BlackBerry|IEMobile)/)){
//this will be used for browsers if we ever want to convert to a website
window.open(url, "_system", 'location=no');
In addition to the answers given, if you had an address string rather than lat-longs, you would use for iOS:
function launchDirections(address) { window.location.href = "maps://maps.apple.com/?daddr=" + address; }
where address
would be a string like: “24 Spring Street, New York, NY”