The code has been updated in the conference app to use ViewChild
. Here it is for app.js
and in TypeScript:
Let me know if that’s not what you meant.
The code has been updated in the conference app to use ViewChild
. Here it is for app.js
and in TypeScript:
Let me know if that’s not what you meant.
Hi @brandyshea, my “nav” variable is undefined when doing this.nav.
Though, when I checked the “nav” where it is defined “@ViewChild(Nav) nav: Nav;” it gives me something!?
Hello I’m also facing the same issue. I get two tabs in ios, doesn’t happen in Android and windows.
Anybody has idea to solve the issue where “nav” is considered as undefined?
I am also having the same problem. Using beta.8 “nav” is undefined and gives an error.
I’m also having the same problem.
@ViewChild(Nav) nav: Nav;
openPage(page) {
(index):29 TypeError: Cannot read property 'setRoot' of undefined
@brandyshea any clues on this?
I got it working using the following code:
private navController: NavController,
private menu: MenuController
) {
this.ext_page = { component: page3_Root };
and then …
openPage(page) {
Look that i’m getting the current view and then accessing the rootNav instead of getting the rootNav with @ViewChild(Nav) nav: Nav;
Is there a way to get the rootNav by name? @ViewChild('content') nav;
maybe? This would be super useful when you have multiple rootNav’s
Any news on this?
Still having
(index):29 TypeError: Cannot read property 'setRoot' of undefined
I have a page with tabs and on the toolbar I have a help button that opens a new page. This new page is showing up with the tabs from the previous one.
Since this is only a help page I need to go back with a back button.
With ionic-angular 2.0.0-beta.11, things have changed a bit.
The workaround I did was, In my tab component constructor, injected App and uses it to get the root nav as follows:
templateUrl: 'build/pages/requests/a.html',
export class aTab {
constructor(private navCtrl: NavController, private app: App) {
goToLoginPage() {, {}, {animate: true, direction: 'forward'});
This helps come out of the tabs nav and create a new nav stack.
I had the same issue. This was my fix:
template: '<ion-nav></ion-nav>',
export class MyApp {
constructor(private events:Events) {
platform.ready().then(() => {
ngAfterViewInit() {'event:logout', ()=>{
const ANIMATION = { animate: true, direction: 'back' };
this.nav.setRoot(LoginPage, null, ANIMATION);
templateUrl: 'build/pages/tabs/tabs.html'
export class TabsPage {
private tab1Root: any;
private tab2Root: any;
private tab3Root: any;
private tab4Root: any;
constructor(private events:Events) {
this.tab1Root = HomePage;
this.tab2Root = AboutPage;
this.tab3Root = NotificationPage;
this.tab4Root = SettingsPage;
* move user to the login page
private logOut():void {
console.warn('TODO: Show message when to let user know why he has been taken to the login page');'event:logout');
you could not have come at a better time!! I had the same issue and this worked perfectly!! Thank you.
w00t! Your solution was the only one that worked for me!!!
this isnt working for me. im using ionic2 Rc1
please help!!!
Works for me rc.1 - thank you, saved me a massive headache!
@raymondativie have you also added the following?
import { App } from 'ionic-angular';
And then in your constructor…
constructor ( private app: App ) {}
Answering the original question, how to navigate to a single item from a tab, but still keep navigation history. The piece your looking for is
which is used in the example below.
import { Component} from '@angular/core';
import { App } from 'ionic-angular';
templateUrl: 'lists.html',
export class ListsTab {
constructor(private app: App) {
goToSingle(listId:number) {, {listId: listId});
import { App } from ‘ionic-angular’;
let nav =;
This works perfect. PROBLEM SOLVED.
This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!
thanks bro! save me a lot.
That solves it! Thanks
Thanks, it works on rc4 too