How to modify view with $scope variable in another Controller?

Hey !
I try to modify my view with change my variable value from another controller, but it’s not working …

I want to display my content only after css animation is endend.
here is my code:

.controller('AppCtrl', function($scope, $rootScope, $state, $ionicPopup, AuthService, AUTH_EVENTS) {
$scope.showLoader = function(){
    var loader = document.getElementById("loader"); = "9"; = "1";
    var loading = loader.getElementsByClassName("loading")[0];
    loading.className = "loading animated bounceInDown";
  $scope.hideLoader = function(){
    var loader = document.getElementById("loader");
    var loading = loader.getElementsByClassName("loading")[0];
    angular.element(document.querySelector('#loader .loading')).one('webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oanimationend animationend', function(){
      loading.className = "loading animated bounceOutDown";
      angular.element(document.querySelector('#loader .loading')).one('webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oanimationend animationend', function(){ = "-1"; = "0";
        $rootScope.$apply(function () {
          $rootScope.renderContent = true;

.controller('CommentsCtrl', function($scope, $rootScope, $state, $http, $ionicPopup, AuthService, WebServices, $stateParams) {
  $scope.renderContent = false;

And the view:

<ion-view view-title="Waiting comments"  name="dashboard-view">
  <ion-content has-header="true">
    <div ng-show="renderContent">
       Animation finished!

Someone cane helps me?