How to make a fair compare for ionic v3 vs react-native? My company is facing what should bet on

Hi all, I would like to ask for someone who has experience in both ionic and react-native to make a fair comparison between them.

My company chose ionic v1 for product app and now its time to make some change. We are considering ionic v3 vs react-native. Other engineers prefer to use react-native because its much popular, having a lot of community resources and more native than ionic v3. I haven’t tried react-native but I wrote my side projects with ionic v3.

What should be considered when making such an important decision?

Personally, I will speak louder for ionic if v4 and the project capacitor released with stable long turn support. But I cannot tell them in meetings because these are not ready yet.

Are u looking at react or react native? Both are quite different

Anyway, the conparison depends on your requirements and preference.

What have you found out until now and what speaks out for each?

There is so much written on this topic on the web, if unlook for meanigful advice from the community maybe start with the above?

Yes, I am talking about react native vs ionic 3.

We are currently facing some problems with ionic v1.

  1. Hard to do verification and testing making refactor and re-write difficult.
  2. UI state is messy.
  3. Tooling is weak. Such as code bundling and uglifying and sourcemapping and error monitoring.
  4. Hard to find resources and support. The google search result tend to show ionic v2 discussions.

I think the above problems can be solved or improved pretty much in both react native and ionic v3. I couldn’t tell which in better in this compare at this moment for problem 1~3.

Therefore, the company discussion lead to compare this two solutions on the resource or community size on the internet, which you can always search someone discuss on
something with react native and make it seems like it is possible to do anything with react native “easy” because at least there’s people talking about it.


Besides react native there is flutter (google) and nativescript which like react-native provide a non html5 based ui framework, beaides the underlying framrwork to build business logic (angular, vue, react-like). All promising more performance and native ui control compared to web apps (but maybe more coding cross platform). All with varying sizes of community support. I assume react native leading?

Then u have ionic with underlying engines (angularjs and angular, and future any u like), react-mobile all other html5 based web apps stacks contained in either cordova or future:capacitor. Great for cross platform, zillions of tools and huge community support on web (html javascript and css) and tools. Pretty sure there is good dev support on all of these, likely better then with the non web frameworks. So not sure your statement on limited support on ionic here is valid (lots of angularjs support)

I suggest u to study the stackoverflow developer survey 2017 to get some statistics and opinions on community support

Pending on your clients needs, cost and availability of good devs u can make up your final opinion?

You will find many comparison paper on the web with a google search but rather to this, if you may, I would just add the following:

when it goes to a company tech choice, depending of the size, let’s say small to small/medium at least, I guess that costs is one of the major reason to pick one or the other technology right? Therefore, does you internal dev team already know angular (>= v2) or react?

if yes, I guess than one of these two path just got some more credits because your company gonna spend less in the learning curve

if no or if none of these technologies are yet really famous inside your company, I would suggest to invest a couple of hours to make a really small quick apps/POC (like follow two tutorials in each technologies) to validate what you discovered on the internet

I hope that helps…

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