How to get the cordova-whitelist-plugin into staging in Xcode via Ionic?

I cannot get the cordova-whitelist plugin into the staging map of Xcode via Ionic. I have tried removing the whitelist plugin, tried adding it back (by installing), yet still nothing at all. ionic prepare ios normally solves these issues for me, but the whitelist plugin is still not being added.

What is the best way to fix this problem?

sudo cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-whitelist
sudo ionic prepare
sudo ionic prepare ios
sudi ionic build ios

No errors at all, yet the whitelist plugin is not added to my staging folder in Xcode. Need help, please…

That plugin is not available for iOS, so it will not install.

Thanks for the reply, Chris. The problem is though: when I check Safari console via Xcode, it gives me the error that the whitelist plugin is not being found…

How to solve that, then?

Is it an error that is breaking things or just a note or warning?

I tried running it via my console: not working.

And I don’t see any error. I just see an app that keeps loading and loading. Refreshing the console gives me nothing. Xcode console says no errors, Safari console says no errors… I am out of options here. Very sad and bad.

As Chris Griffith mentioned: the whitelist plugin is not meant to be for iOS, yet I don’t know what is causing the error then… app is not working at all.

My question was referring to this.

I fixed that error, somehow. It’s not showing anymore, but it just randomly pops up every now and then.

Yet still the same problem regarding the app: it keeps loading forever.

When I do ionic run ios in my console, I get this though:

An error was encountered processing the command (domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code=53):
Error returned in reply: Connection interrupted

Software caused connection abort

An error was encountered processing the command (domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code=53):
Error returned in reply: Connection interrupted

Software caused connection abort

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat ‘/Users/QWA/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator/F90E61D7-597B-4C08-84D8-A5C09EE31A9C/system.log’