It would be possible to extend the DatetimeHighlight interface, and add a new property to the ion-datime DatetimeHighlightStyle interface to allow adding an option, e.g.: border
In the current scenario it only accepts textColor and backgroundColor.
I ask because I need to create a custom calendar with the following events:
- Vacation
- Event in the month
- Current date
- Vacation + Current date
- Vacation + Events
Below is the example
I tried to use this approach here
highlightedDates: DatetimeHighlight[] = [
date: '2024-08-09',
textColor: '#000',
backgroundColor: '#FFCFAB',
border: '1px solid red'
date: '2024-08-10',
textColor: '#000',
backgroundColor: '#FFCFAB',
date: '2024-08-11',
textColor: '#000',
backgroundColor: '#FFCFAB',
ngAfterViewInit(): void {
timer(300).subscribe(() => {
const ionDatetime: DocumentFragment = this.calendar?.nativeElement.shadowRoot;
if (ionDatetime) {
const dateElement = ionDatetime.querySelector<HTMLButtonElement>(
if (dateElement) { = '2px solid #003D67';
<ion-datetime #calendar
However, this approach is generating an error, as the style is applied to the dates in the period requested in this example 2024/08/09.
Would it be possible to extend the DatetimeHighlightStyle interface to support this border property directly, or is there a recommended approach for achieving this level of customization within IonDatetime?