How to enable border on Textarea and Input in Ionic 4

I have a UI which consist of 2 text inputs. First is the ion input which has a placeholder of “Title of the discussion”, and the other which is a textarea with a placeholder of “Write a discussion”. See the screenshot below:


I wanted to enable a border to both text input elements to make these elements to be visible to the user. Below is my current HTML and CSS code for this UI.


 <div id="topSection">
        <ion-grid item-start>
            <ion-col id = "userAvatarContainer" size = "1" size-lg>
              <ion-avatar id = "userAvatar">
                <img src="">

              <ion-input id="discussTitle" placeholder="Title of the discussion" pattern="text"></ion-input>

            <ion-textarea wrap="soft" placeholder="Write a discussion...">

        <ion-button expand="full">Publish</ion-button>



#topSection > ion-card > ion-card-header{
    width: 100%;

    width: 50px;
    height: 50px;

#topSection > ion-card > ion-card-header > ion-item > ion-list{
    width: 100%;

#topSection > ion-card > ion-card-header > ion-item > ion-list > ion-item > ion-textarea{
    height: 150px;

    vertical-align: middle !important;

Hoping someone could help as soon as possible. Thank you.

Add this to scss file, it may help

      border: solid 1px red;

      border: solid 1px red;

Wrap your ion-input and ion-textarea with ion-item tags. This will expose border properties that you can style.

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Looks decent. Thanks!