How to download a file in iOS (Ionic 2/3)?

I am trying to download a file and save that file in iOS. I am using ionic-native-file plugin to achieve this. The file has been download but i could not find that file in the device.

filewrite = (): void => {
    let transfer = this.fileTransfer.create();
    let path = "";
    let dir_name = 'Download';
    let file_name = "Sample.pdf";

    if ('ios')) {
      this.platform.ready().then(() => {
          path = this.file.documentsDirectory;

          this.file.writeFile(path,file_name,this.pdfSrc).then((entry) => {
            this.showAlert("download completed");
          }, (error) => {
            this.showAlert("Download Failed.");
            this.showAlert("Download Failed catch.");


Download completed alert shows and the downloaded path is:


But i could not find that location in the device. Then, i google and saw here.

cordova.file.documentsDirectory - Files private to the app, but that
are meaningful to other application (e.g. Office files). Note that for
OSX this is the user’s ~/Documents directory. (iOS, OSX)

So, i can’t see the file actually as it is private to the application. Then i saw in the same link:

enter image description here

So, i tried with the both preference in my config.xml but nothing happened.

Is there any approach to download the file iOS or to dropbox or anywhere else?


Were you able to solve this? I’m also looking to download a file in iOS in gallery or files, but not very successful.

A response would be much appreciated!
