Download file in ios for ionic 3 not showing in files folder

I am using #cordova-plugin-file-transfer, to download the file from url in android and ios. For Android it is working fine. But for ios app, i am facing a problem.

The file is downloading successfully, but i am not able to see downloaded file on ios device.

Here is my code for ios =>

const transfer = this.transfer.create();, cordova.file.documentsDirectory + fileName).then(
          entry => {
            this.apiService.showError("Download Succeeded.");
          error => {
            this.apiService.showError("Download Failed.");

is there any one who can help me in this.

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Hey [tanujlight], have you got the solution?

Hey. Have you got the solution ? Facing same issue

The file transfer cordova plugin was deprecated and abandoned almost 4 years ago. It shouldn’t be used in new code. If you’re using Angular, just download files with HttpClient.