1.remove console plugin from cordova.
2. i make release apk and sign with keystore .
3. i compressed with zipalign.
But chrome debug is not disabled in my app.
1.remove console plugin from cordova.
2. i make release apk and sign with keystore .
3. i compressed with zipalign.
But chrome debug is not disabled in my app.
Sorry, I don’t have an answer, but a question: Why is this important?
Are shure? Android Studio can out message about successful build final but apk can stay old debug apk.
Are have build with these options?
Good luck!
i did not use android studio. i used ionic CLI .
My service api key and some important credentials are there. so i want disable this.
This won’t help a bit as the api key and credentials still will be in you JS - and I can get this with no problem at all. See e.g. http://www.decompileandroid.com/
@Abiraman, I’m having the same problem. Have you figured this out?