Hello. How can I disable bounce effect of first and last slides in SlideBox like on this image - http://ionicframework.com.s3.amazonaws.com/docs/controllers/slideBox.gif (blue and pink slides)?
you can do something like this:
if ($ionicSlideBoxDelegate.currentIndex() == 0 || $ionicSlideBoxDelegate.currentIndex() == mySlidesLength-1) {
it is cool, but now I can’t swipe on this slides I just don’t want to see black borders when I swipe to the right first slide and to the left last slide.
Oh right! you won’t be able to slide back with my solution sorry. Hmm I don’t know any other way…
How other developers works with SlideBox and this white/black borders in their apps?
looks like this issue has been pushed, but not fully working for slide box
last resort you might take a look at this,
Thank you. It is what I am searching
Hi @Stanislav is this working right now?
Doesn’t seem to work for me. Testing in Ionic 1.0 stable.
I don’t try. I change some logic in my app so I don’t need to disable this bounce effect.
My solution using drag-left and drag-right on first and last slide to enable slide and watch the indexSlide to disable it.
Hey, Scrubles!
I would be really happy if you could contact me and help me out a little bit. I can’t make this drag-left and drag-right to work.
Best regards,
Hey there.
What’s up? You should check if the version is the same, that example is 1.1.0, and they might have changed something.