Horizontally list items


I have the following:

<div class="row">
  <div class="col col-33" style="text-align:center;">
    <ul style="display:inline;">
      <li><i class="icon ion-star"></i></li>
      <li><i class="icon ion-star"></i></li>
      <li><i class="icon ion-star"></i></li>
      <li><i class="icon ion-star"></i></li>
      <li><i class="icon ion-star"></i></li>

This code generates five stars stacked on top of one another. However, I want to lay them out horizontally.

How do I layout list items horizontally in Ionic?

Thank you!

Flexbox to the rescue

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Perhaps I’m missing something. However, the CodePen is not appearing. I noticed you referenced a class called ‘padding’. However, I do not see it in the CSS. I don’t think that’s the issue. Either way, I do not see the example rendering. Thank you for trying though.

This is codepens issue, remove the https from the url and it will render.
