Hi all!
I’m building a new app and i’m struggling having a buttons bar that extends and can be scrolled horizontally.
Is there any solution?
I’ve tried using ion-scroll direction=“x” etc but when the content exceed horizontal space, it is remainded down on a new row.
Button-bar and tabs don’t fit my need as the button bar and tabs try to stretch buttons to fill the space (ie, having 30 button mean having 30 ultraslim buttons)
Well, my target is to realize a toolbar with many buttons (about 30). And the user have to be able to scroll horizontally this bar. Imagine it as a classic calendar app that have days-buttons in the top bar.
My first thought was to put the buttons in a
<ion-scroll direction="x"><!-- a lot of buttons --></ion-scroll>
Hi @Calendee!
Thanks for your interest, yes i’ve not mentioned it but i already tried this method and it’s not fitting my needs because i don’t want a fixed width as buttons are generated dynamically… and with this solution the user can scroll too much right and makes button disappear as he is viewing empty space at right of buttons.
Also resizing the width of the container at runtime don’t seems a good idea to me. I think it’s a question of CSS but can’t yet understand what directive of default ionic CSS is causing this strange behaviour.
I’ve tried other solutions too (like setting overflow:scroll etc. but nothing for the moment)…