What is the Ionic way of hiding Tab Bar for certain routes?
Consider my routes:
<Route path="/app/feed" component={FeedTemplate} exact={true} />
<Route path="/app/messages" component={MessagesPage} exact={true} />
render={() => <Redirect to="/app/feed" />}
<HomeIcon className="w-6 h-6" />
If I navigate to /app/messages/randomId
the Tab Bar is still rendered.
Even if I use nested routes like so:
const MessagesPage = () => {
const match = useRouteMatch();
return (
<Route path={`${match.url}/:messageId`} component={MessageTemplate} />
The TabBar
will still render on my page.
I have no way of conditionally rendering it as any time the component is not rendered I get the error Error: IonTabs needs a IonTabBar
How do I correctly not render the tab navigation on certain pages?
I’ve also tried rendering all my tabs in a specific nested route:
<Route path="/app/tabs" component={TabsPage} />
<Route path="/app/messages" component={MessagesPage} />
render={() => <Redirect to="/app/tabs" />}
But if I try to navigate to /app/messages
the screen will blank out before the animation plays, which doesn’t look great.
I hide the tab bar during onboarding with a function. I added the id app-tab-bar
to ` and then:
const hideTabBar = (): void => {
const tabBar = document.getElementById('app-tab-bar');
if (tabBar !== null) {
tabBar.style.display = 'none';
And then I show it again with another function:
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/62097522
const showTabBar = (): void => {
const tabBar = document.getElementById('app-tab-bar');
if (tabBar !== null) {
tabBar.style.display = 'flex';
On the routes that need the tab bar shown, I use the hook:
useIonViewDidEnter(() => {
I was afraid setting display: none
was going to be the solution 
Thank you for confirming it!
seemed to be the easiest and most straightforward… that is usually what I go for
Seems a lot like a hack, it’s weird there’s no better way 
I might try to animate it out at least.
For my case it was just as easy to make a style that hides the toolbar on a certain page and not mess with react or js at all.
ion-tab-bar[selected-tab="login"] {
/* Your styles for the selected ion-tab-bar here */
display: none;