Hide tabs when navigate/push to another page

How do I hide tabs when I navigate to a page? It seems like a basic thing but I see no documentation on it. This is the skeleton of my app root:

          <IonRouterOutlet basePath="/">
            ...<Route /> are here

            <Redirect exact from="/" to="/home" />
          <IonTabBar slot="bottom">
            <IonTabButton tab="" href="/home">

            <IonTabButton tab="" href="/search">

            <IonTabButton tab="" href="/more">



I found a way that works, but it seems a tad “hacky”.

On page components use either useIonViewWillEnter(() => showTabs()); or useIonViewWillEnter(() => hideTabs());

export function hideTabs() {
  const tabsEl = document.querySelector('ion-tab-bar');
  if (tabsEl) {
    tabsEl.hidden = true;

export function showTabs() {
  const tabsEl = document.querySelector('ion-tab-bar');
  if (tabsEl) {
    tabsEl.hidden = false;