Hello guys !
I have a “home” button in my navbar, that I want to hide whenever the back button is present - like the menu button hides itself when using ionic’s side menu. Didn’t find howto.
Thanks !
Hello guys !
I have a “home” button in my navbar, that I want to hide whenever the back button is present - like the menu button hides itself when using ionic’s side menu. Didn’t find howto.
Thanks !
Could you give some code sample?
Sure :
<ion-nav-buttons side="left">
<button ui-sref="home" class="button button-icon button-clear ion-home">
Code pen ! Please with html and js
Simply hit scientific facts to see both icons side by side.
and you want to hide
< Home?
like this?
Hey, thanks for trying. No, like this you hide the back button. I want it to be visible, but when it is, the home button disappears.
Well you created the home button in the ion nav buttons component. But I don’t understand why do you need a home button if you already have the back button. Can’t you delete the home button and leave the back button which does the same thing ( leads you back at the home page) ? Just askin’
There is an issue in the tab system : https://github.com/driftyco/ionic/issues/2997
Whenever you come from a page which doesn’t have tabs to a page that does have tabs, there is no back button - thus no way to return to the home page, in my case.
Oh i haven’t seen this issue So you might use only tabs or no tabs at all.
Something like that. And since I do want to use tabs AND have to set a home page that isn’t linked to it, looking for a solution
Have you already tried the “state.go” method?
To transition between the home page and the tabbed interface ? Yes.
Did it ! Here is the solution in case anyone needs it :
.directive('homeButton', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function($scope, $element) {
$scope.$on('$ionicView.beforeEnter', function(ev, viewData) {
if (viewData.enableBack)
And add home-button to the element. Thanks @simo94 and @Endiss for trying to help.
Oh ok. That seems logical. Easy css