Help With Abstract View

I have my views like this

.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider){

.state('home', {
url: '/homePage',	
views: {
  'homePageContent': {

templateUrl: ‘homePage.html’,
controller: ‘homePageCtrl’

.state('addExpense', {
url: '/addExpense',
views: {
  'addExpenseContent': {

templateUrl: ‘addExpense.html’,
controller: ‘addExpenseCtrl’

.state('addIncome', {
url: '/addIncome',
views: {
  'addIncomeContent': {

templateUrl: ‘addIncome.html’,
controller: ‘addIncomeCtrl’

.state('editExpense', {
url: '/editExpense/:expenseID/:expenseDate/:expenseDetail/:expenseAmount',
views: {
  'editExpenseContent': {

templateUrl: ‘editExpense.html’,
controller: ‘editExpenseCtrl’



As you may notice I don’t have an abstract state is this a problem? Please help me with the code with the abstract state. What should be in my template? Does it need a controller?