Header moves when swipe down activated

Testing my app out on an iPhone, the header (and whole page) at the top of the page moves down when I do a swipe down.

Is there any way to ensure the header remains at the top?

Yes, just change line 12 of your code to say


PS: Please provide us with the code you have or a stripped down version of it. Also: What version of Ionic are you using= Please post the output of your ionic info.

@Sujan12 thanks for the suggestions - made my day!

Up to now I have always used Android to test the app - now testing on IOS I feel that this is not a html or code issue but more concerned with how the platforms differ. I was interested if other uses have seen this effect.

I suppose it shouldn’t move, but without posting any code it would be kinda hard to reproduce something. Could you provide a little more info?

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BTW you could always disable the bounce on overscroll if you think this shouldnt happen.

@luukschoen Thanks the bounce on over scroll sounds like the culprit - will look into it tomorrow.