'has-tabs-top' assigned to iOS sub-headers incorrectly

I’m building an Ionic app that uses striped style tabs on some views with subheaders and other connected views that have subheaders but not tabs. Everything looks good in browser/android builds. On iOS everything looks fine until I access a view with tabs before I access a view without a tab. The subheaders in the view without are also assigned the ‘has-tabs-top’ class automatically and as a result are dropped down. The result is for example that this view:


Ends up looking like this view:


The CSS involved looks like this:

    .platform-ios.platform-cordova:not(.fullscreen) .bar-subheader, .platform-ios.platform-cordova:not(.fullscreen) .has-    header, .platform-ios.platform-cordova:not(.fullscreen) .tabs-top>.tabs, .platform-ios.platform-cordova:not(.fullscreen) .tabs.tabs-top.platform-ios.platform-cordova:not(.fullscreen) .bar-subheader, .platform-ios.platform-cordova:not(.fullscreen) .has-header, .platform-ios.platform-cordova:not(.fullscreen) .tabs-top>.tabs, .platform-ios.platform-cordova:not(.fullscreen) .tabs.tabs-top {
 top: 64px; 
 } - ionic.app.miss.css:1:154334

 .platform-ios.platform-cordova:not(.fullscreen) .has-tabs-top { 
 } - ionic.app.miss.css:1:154002

Subheader’s that ARE part of a tabbed view coded:

<ion-header-bar class="bar-subheader has-header-tabs item-input-inset">

and once built display as:

<ion-header-bar class="bar-subheader has-header-tabs item-input-inset bar bar-header disable-user-behavior has-tabs-top">

Subheader’s that are not part of a tabbed view are coded as:

<ion-header-bar class="bar-subheader item-input-inset">

and once built display at first as:

<ion-header-bar class="bar-subheader item-input-inset bar bar-header disable-user-behavior">

but after a tabbed view has been loaded they display as:

<ion-header-bar class="bar-subheader item-input-inset bar bar-header disable-user-behavior has-tabs-top">

Is there a way to prevent a the ‘has-tabs-top’ class being added to specific subheaders? My workaround is to apply another specific class to these subheaders to enforce their heights on iOS but it seem inefficient.