Hand drawing or hand signature

I need to capture a user signature written on the screen and store it on a database or send it via network.

The format of image storage con’t matters too much. It’s preferably to be an vetorial but also could be an bitmap image.

How could I do this using Angular 2/Ionic 2?

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You could use this library https://github.com/szimek/signature_pad.
I am going to attempt to use it and possible wrap it in an angular 2 direction component.

Looks like there is an angular 2 directive for this already https://www.npmjs.com/package/angular2-signaturepad :slight_smile:

Hey any luck in capturing user signature using ionic2 ?

I’m working in other project by now and I will return to this project in the future.

One possible solution is to install a drawing app in the device, and make a intent to the drawing app, so that the user draws in the signature in drawing app, and waits the drawing app to return an image with the signature to my app. Perhaps it must be the most effective option if the drawing app is a native app.

It’s been working great in my Ionic 2 app

Just came across this, actually had a tutorial just recently about creating your own Signature Drawpad with Ionic 2.

Hope that helps!


@saimon …how i can add image over canvas and draw on image …am not able to perform this task please help me