Grid with buttons - how can I make buttons in the same row the same height?

As you can see, I am using a grid that consists of clickable buttons, but some have a lot of text which wraps and makes certain buttons taller. I want to make the corresponding button in the same row fill that vertical space equal to the wrapped button.

Is there a solution here?


   <ion-row class="ionrow">
        <ion-col width-33><button ion-button full>b</button></ion-col>
       <ion-col width-67><button ion-button full></button></ion-col>

  <ion-row class="ionrow">
     <ion-col width-33><button ion-button full>bp</button></ion-col>
     <ion-col width-67><ion-item text-wrap full>Un-aspirated p that sounds like a cross between a b and a p.  Make the <i>bp</i> sound by copying a p sound but not letting any air come out of your mouth.</ion-item></ion-col>
