Google maps IOS (anonymous user) no api enablement

Our business function records geolocations of implementations in our database, and we want to provide a user with a map of the locations with such implementations, and where they are and provide direction support…

our app Ionic (6) Vue on IOS only (at this time)

the plugin for Google Maps requires the user to enable the api on the dev console… our users wont have done that. we want just like they can get directions on the web without doing it…

are there any example of using the JS api in vue? am I just embedding the web page in the vue (view)?

I see this…

looks great, have to add markers, and selection… but… good beginning… thanks

the link referenced plugin requires dev console enablement (apikey)

oops, this does too… hmmmm.

You can’t, to access google services you MUST have a API key. Keep in mind that a monthly charge is due depending on usage. Also your app users should not need to create a API key, You as the company need to provide this for them if you want to provide a map feature. More info can be found here:

yes, but at SOME time the usage MAY drive cost… so the key has to be connected to the right google account

Then you need to regroup and come up with a better plan.

thanks… what better plan CAN there be… if u need a key, then u need a key…

just don’t want it to be on my credit card!…

well, up and running… with have to create another local api to get the apikey, so its not hard coded.
so much fun!..