GitHub and SSH access not real clear with Ionic

Hi All,

So after you use the quick app wizard to create the ionic app, it gives you some work to do:

npm install -g @ionic/cli @capacitor/assets
git clone

It’s all well and good, except github isn’t allowing password access to github any more. So the above wont work. No one at Ionic ever thought to change this? That’s bad.

You now have to take the long trip around the barn and use SSH access and create a public and private key, and then configure git hub… Then you have to get the new ssh url.

Sorry, there should have been a big heads up and writeup about this. I was already annoyed that Ionic wanted to tie this to my Github account and had to dust the cobwebs off that and slog through their lengthy documentation. I mean it would be ok eventually, but not when you are just testing something out to go on a cascded google - github - ionic identity auth marathon. I just wanted to see if this thing worked right before needing to bite the bullet .

What repo is being cloned directly from GitHub and where do you see this in the docs?

So I started here:
Create your Ionic App

(I accepted the default icon, tab layout, and then selected Vue framework)
Logged in with my account (Didn’t like how it made me do a mid stream account create/log in, should have just allowed me to create the whole test app without breaking the flow).

 So waited like 10 minutes while the website did it's thing and it seemed to go into a Deep Thought loop and never come back.   

When I pressed F12 in chrome to bring up the debugger there was a sea of ionic/google javascript / html issues.

So I can’t take a screen capture of the webpage where it showed me how to pull the app that I created with the wizard down from the github account that I also had to link up midstream. Only the commands that Ionic sent to pull this newly created repo down … nope, the git clone http:// doesn’t work any longer because github disallows password http pulling. So then you were sent on another errand to go create a SSH access. When you do this, you have to use a new SSH url that’s quite different than the one that ionic provided.

If Ionic wanted to be excellent, on every page there should be a feed back button from those who try out their builder and give feedback and it could take all the screenshots of the page, logs etc for engineering and usability reviews. Better yet, would be to offer to guide / observe a few users via a live zoom video feed and get their knee-jerk reaction in real time to the system flow. If it doesn’t work right, then in no way is this system ready for prime time. Have all the engineers who worked on the Appflow watch and take notes.


Ah, I see. I’ve never used that GUI/start page. I always use the CLI to start a new Ionic project :slight_smile: There are way less hoops if you use the CLI.

It’s just real confidence-reducing that there is no continuous improvements, dedication to quality. Where are those Six Sigma bandits these days? Where is all that CI/CD regression testing and Q/A? You would think someone would be interested in keeping the main conduit for app generation tuned up better than a daily driver. Guess not.

Several years back, I had used Ionic to create some Test apps, all web driven, and it worked great. When they made the switch from Angular 2.0 to 3.0 or something like that, Ionic ditched the old-web interface, the old code was no longer compatible, there was no auto upgrader path. it was a total pump and dump situation. So I departed. I decided to give Ionic another go to see if the old ways were abandoned … nope. Seems more of the same. I can’t run a business on a technology that doesn’t have accountability or integrity. This stuff has got to be rock solid because I don’t want to be in the hot seat explaining to my customers that I chose poorly

Can’t say its much worse than Flutter or React Native, those are both abominations when it comes to a quick start guide that works all the way through as well.

All these guides have to be heavily stack overflow supplemented, “Oh you got to do this…then that” I mean how lazy can the developers get not to provide a few scripts here and there to run to facilitate the setup and then do a few system sanity checks to make sure the system is ready for prime time? If nothing else, list the prerequisites first and links to some guides to let the user know the scope of work ahead of time before getting half way through and then dropping a bomb on them. It’s appalling that the experts have left things like this. No one will adopt, it will just leave a bad taste in their mouth and they will move on to some other technology.