Force ion-scroll to fill space between two divs

One page of my app has a portion which is scrollable. I am using the ion-grid system to help position things on my page. Here is a simplified version of the markup:

                Some Content
    	<ion-scroll scrollY="true" id="fillSpace">
            <ion-row *ngFor="let item of items">
        <div id="pageBottom">
  		  Some more content
    		<button (click)="goToOtherPage()">Go</button>

And some of the relevant CSS:

#pageBottom {
	position: absolute;
	bottom: 0;
	width: 100%;
	padding-bottom: 10%;

I am trying to make the with the id #fillSpace to fill the space between the div below it and the ion-row above it. Because the ion-scroll consists of a varying amount of rows, I need a way of making that whole scroll section fill space between the ion-row and the div to make it look good across various screen sizes. Thanks for any help.

I should also add that I tried using flexbox as in this StackOverflow example, but did not get successful results.

I wasn’t able to find a better solution, so I removed the ion-row at the top to an tag, and the #pageBottom content to an .